Welcome Wellhub Members!

FLIGHT Aerial & Pole Dance is excited to partner with Wellhub and your employer to provide you with a unique fitness experience! Let’s get you started!

1)Create an Account with us!

Follow this link to create an account in our studio’s Pike13 system. This will allow you to register for classes! You can create an account here.

2) Contact Us

You can email us at flightaerialandpole@gmail.com, or text us at 862 244 3803. We’ll confirm your Wellhub membership, and add your Wellhub pass to your account!

3)Register for classes

Please be sure to sign into Pike13 and register for any classes you would like to take. We highly recommend using the Pike13 app, as this allows you to receive alerts on class cancellations and other import notices as push notifications to your phone, rather than simply as emails that could possibly be missed.

4)Check in with Wellhub when you arrive at class!

Wellhub needs to know when you take classes at FLIGHT, and our instructors will try to remind you at the beginning of class.